

Hubei Chusheng Vehicle Co., Ltd. is a national key special purpose vehicle manufacturing enterprise with independent research and development capabilities under the CRRC City Transportation Co., Ltd., formerly known as Xiagong Chusheng Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd., the company was founded in September 2002 and reorganized with Excellence Automobile Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of CRRC City Transportation Co., Ltd. in December 2018, and changed its name to Hubei Chusheng Vehicle Co., Ltd. The company is located in Suizhou National High-tech Industrial Park, which is the hometown of Yandi Shennong, and the hometown of chimes ancient music, and the metropolis of China's special purpose vehicles. It is a high and new technology enterprises in Hubei province.公司占地总面积70万平米,建筑面积22万平米。



( × )54、【判断题】移动式压力容器操作人员在操作中,如遇易燃、有毒介质泄漏时应立即采取有效措施,进行堵漏,并切断有关阀门,防止事故扩大。


()( √ )60、【判断题】安全阀的排放能力应大于或等于压力容器的安全泄放量。



()( × )66、【判断题】空气是一种混合物,属氧化性气体,无色、无味、无毒。